Find Your Style • NEW EBook!


WOW!~ ITs here! 😀

Excited to share with you today, the release of a wonderful resource for artists, both new and established- it’s called “Find Your Style” and its the latest, greatest project from artist and teacher Kristal Norton, available for purchase as a downloadable ebook.

I was SO excited when I was asked to contribute my personal experience in finding my own artistic style-but what a question! My mind was spinning…  Where to begin? How did I find my style? What has my journey as an artist looked like? And what would I recommend to others? Thinking back through my artist’s journey, especially over the last 20 years, was a surprisingly emotional job! 

In trying to extract the essence of some of the lessons I’ve learned (and continuing to learn!)  I found some core beliefs within myself:

Finding your style means to be willing to reinvent yourself as an artist and be willing to ditch current style and “artistic” safety nets. Then do it again. And again, and again. 

I knew instinctively that I’d only find my true style, my language, by “going there”; to those emotional, obscure places within.

Wow- man, I WISH someone had written this for me 10 -20 years ago! Who hasn’t struggled with finding their style, their voice, their authenticity as an artist?

This book is packed full of advice and support. I find that in listening to other artists stories I begin to validate my own story, I feel instantly connected to a greater path taken. Artists can be so insular in our pursuits- this ebook is an amazing break from that and about a topic we can all relate to. 

Twelve artists were all asked the same questions about our style, and I LOVE the variation in responses.

Even though we all have traveled beautifully diverse paths there are some underlying themes of exploration, courage, and transformation in each of our stories as artists.

Now it’s your turn too! I also truly believe we keep transforming, not just in our daily lives but as our lives as artists. Indeed when I was invited, I thought, “Oh Boy! I JUST stumbled upon yet another new way of working…making me feel once again, at once both at the crux of discovery and joy, but yet vulnerable too.

Take a gander, soak it in. Know we all struggle and we all doubt, but that we also have triumphs and high points in our artistic journeys. My hope is that you can relate to our stories- that in this ebook, you find advice for those moments of feeling stuck or in doubt. I know I have enjoyed reading each artist’s journey and learned much already! There are so many great pointers here that I will also take into my practice. 

Below are the wonderfully talented artists who contributed to the book!  You can read more about the book and purchase your copy here for just $33. A portion of the purchases will help support the artists (including myself) who contributed to this book. Thank you for your support and I hope you find inspiration and comradery within the pages of this book.

I’d love to know your story and how you found your style, or struggles and triumphs too!



Author: Rachel

My paintings and art journals are a combination of both traditional art techniques and mixed media explorations. I am primarily inspired by nature, pattern and abstract form. I am continually aiming to unearth my inner worlds, and find my work is on an exciting path of discovery. See more at

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